Edit Audio Files
When you have finished recording, the created sound file will be automatically added to the file list. You can also input more audio files to the list. To perfect these music files for various usages, you need to edit them.
1. Launch Free Audio Editor
Option 1: Select an audio file from the list and click the "Edit current file in Free Audio Editor" button below.
Option 2: Right-click on the listed file which you want to edit and choose "Edit current file in Free Audio Editor" from the menu.
Option 3: Use keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+E" to activate Free Audio Editor.
2. Edit audio file
Now the selected audio file is imported to the Free Audio Editor, with its waveform displayed. With this visual music editing tool, you can easily enhance your recording and other sound files. You can cut, copy, paste & delete any selection; audio effects like echo, fade in, fade out, amplify, normalize and more are provided for cool audio creation; what's the best, you don't have to worry about little mistakes as we provide unlimited UNDO/REDO operation. When you have finished the editing, you just need to click "Save" to choose quality settings & save the result.
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